Monday, October 7, 2024

My First Quarter Experience in 10 ICT Class


My First Quarter Experience in 10 ICT Class

          This academic year's first quarter is coming to an end. I should be glad, the first quarter is coming to a conclusion; it feels like an escape, right? It feels like yesterday that I had to struggle to set up my blog account. A lot of things happened, but I'm grateful I survived all of them. This quarter taught me new concepts and skills, and I have previously discovered many interesting subjects in the field of information and communication technology. I met several notable persons who contributed significantly to the discovery and development of the internet. I also learned how to set up a blog account and publish a blog.

          This quarter has been difficult and demanding, however  I am grateful that I managed. One of the most difficult obstacles I faced was learning all of the dates and timelines of the internet. I have difficulties remembering the names and contributions of the internet pioneers.

           For me to address these challenges, I made flashcards,  and even utilized various applications, trying a lot of study methods to help me in  remembering the people and their contributions.

          From now on, I'll construct a timetable and a list of which topics I'm struggling with the most so that I can concentrate on comprehending the topic or lesson. And I plan to continue sharpening  my talents and learning more about ICT.
  Blogger:  <>


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