Monday, October 7, 2024

Highway: The Road for “Self Discovery to Success”

Highway: The Road for “Self Discovery to Success”

       You always receive some statements, or words from others who would like to describe you, but did you ever thought of describing yourself? Writing this blog made me realized that in this way, I can be fully aware of who I am, what I can do/ what I am capable of doing, what type of person I am, and so on. So, I hope this blog can be an example or a sign for you to start Knowing who you are to the fullest. Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Khimberly Chloe Rabino, I know it’s not the typical Filipino name like Maria Isabella Delos Reyes, most likely that my first two names are describe as a western first name. I am 14 years old, who lives in a simple city called Vigan that is located here in the Philippines province of Ilocos sur. I am the eldest child and an older sister. Meaning, I am also called as the second parent. I am a STE sophomore in Highschool, well mostly in this stage you still have the thoughts of having fun and all. With these basic facts about we are one step closer in describing myself.

        Imagine a child who is trap in a body of a teenager, a child filled with excitement, joy curiosity, etc. Well to be honest, I am just as similar. First of all, I had mentioned me being a older sister, so I can say that I can be protective, strict towards my younger brother. Being an STE student is a whole type of work. In short, I needed to be vey hardworking for me to be on track, and to pass. I can also say that I am cooperative when it comes to group activities. I am certain that I am a good friend, I am the type of friend who supports you, defend you, and I also cares about you. I am a man of my word. I am also approachable; I don’t have any problem of someone coming up to me. I am also helpful, if you need help, I am here for you as long as I can do it. So far, the “things” that describes me are somewhat positive. Well, I forgot to put one more; I can be really emotional in some situations. I bet we are all familiar with the introvert and extrovert stuff but if they ask me which one am I, I may not answer that, it is because I can be either of them like being in the introverted side when it comes to going to some crowded places without someone who’s close to me, and I can be extrovert if I am with a close person or if I am comfortable.

        For some reason, I plan my future quite often, and most of it are about college, career, what I want to do in the future, and so on. For career I actually wanted to work within the medical field or dental, because I can see that my mom is actually wanting me to be a dentist but it is still up to me, I’m not actually going outside the box, but let’s see. For college, I’m actually planning in enrolling as a scholarship student because I’m not that rich to like afford such tuition fees or like pay school debt in the future. I really want to try enrolling in the GKS program which is Government Korean Scholarship because I really want to study in Korea, the university that I really want is Yonsei University or Seoul National University if God permits, but if I won’t get into any Korean university (though I hope I would) I have the option to study in manila or maybe Baguio. In the future, when I’m like old enough to actually earn/to make my own money, I would love to travel with my family. Travelling is actually in the top of my bucket list, if ill get the chance to travel, I would surely choose to travel in South Korea first. One of my dream countries to go to, I would love to know more about their culture, tradition, and so on. Going to Concerts is actually in my bucket list too, especially going to Enhypen Concert, meeting them in person would be a dream come true. Lastly, I would love to help my Parents/ Family financially, for them to live a comfortable life, that’s why I’m working hard to go to a good university and then graduate then make money to help my parents and myself. There are more things that I want to do, but first I want to focus in the present especially my studies, cause its like what they said education is the key to be successful in life. For me to continue making a road until I reach the success.

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